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Presidents from small/medium universities respond to the “G5”

August 11, 2009

Maclean’s has published an article in which presidents from seven small and medium universities respond to a previously published call to rethink the one-size-fits-all approach to Canadian universities.

The presidents interviewed (from Waterloo, Guelph, Simon Fraser, Lakehead, Lethbridge, St. Thomas, and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology) seem wary of creating an exclusive designation for the major research heavyweights, suggesting that smaller institutions often excel in specialized research areas overlooked by the big five. Furthermore, they suggest the perceived prestige of the research-heavy institutions will lead to a two-tier academic system.

Despite some differences, all the presidents support the suggestion, made by the G5 presidents and echoed by government and advisory panels, that the ability to translate research to the marketplace remains the fundamental challenge facing the emerging Canadian economy.

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